
SMS Type

SendCloud SMS platform currently supports verification code, business notice and marketing messages.

Verification code messages:registration password, password modification, authentication, etc.

Business notice messages:notice triggered by user behaviors, such as order notice, reply notice, etc.

Marketing messages: messages or notices bulky sent to users.

Accessing Method

Sendcloud currently provides WEBAPI for users to access SMS platform. Developers can call SendCloud SMS service via provided HTTP interfaces.

To use SMS API, you need to create:


SMS_USER is the account used to call interfaces to send messages

Users can create SMS_USER in 【SMS and Voice SMS】-【settings】-【authorization】 and SendCloud will generates a corresponding SMS_KEY.Every user is only allowed for one SMS_USER.

SMS Template

Users are required to edit SMS content and submit it for verification in front page before sending messages. After verification, users can call templates to send SMS with template ID.

Variable Replacement

「variable」 is allowed in messages.

Format of variable:% at head and tail, between which is the custom variable. Example:

欢迎使用爱发信. 您的手机验证码是: %code%. # code是变量

Usages of variable:

  1. Used as placeholder in SMS template
  2. Set variable value in SMS API
  3. SendCloud will replace corresponding variable value in the message on the basis of request parameter
  4. Variable value cannot be longer than 32 characters, and must not contain HTTP link

Naming rules of variable:

  1. Variable name can only include letters (upper-case and lower-case), numbers, “_” (underline) , “-“ (strikethrough) or any combination.
  2. Variable must start with letters (upper-case and lower-case), numbers, “_” (underline) or “-“ (strikethrough)
  3. Variable name cannot be longer than 32 characters


Due to the particularity of SMS and the censorship of ISP institutions, a signature that shows the identity of sender is required in messages. You can add signature when editing SMS templates, and set signature position (end of the message only).

Note: SMS template must contain 「signature」 or it will fail the verification.Each user is allowed to have one signature.

SMS Recording

SMS Recording is an information verification by mobile operators, which impacts SMS delivery rate.

After calling SMS interface, users can apply for SMS recording in 【SMS and Voice SMS】-【Settings】-【SMS Recording】. Steps are as below:

  1. Download letter of commitment and print it out;
  2. Read letter of commitment carefully and make sure it’s signed by the responsible person and stamped with the company’s seal;
  3. Convert it to digital copy in JPG or PDF format by photographing or scanning;
  4. Upload the digital copy for verification. The result comes out within one day.

Intercept List

To reduce invalid messages, SendCloud will intercept some numbers according to the result from mobile operators.

All numbers in sending failed will be added to intercept list. The records are as below:

Different failure reason lead to different intercepting time and intercepting scope. See below:

Return Code Failure Description intercepting time Global/local intercept whether can be removed
500 sending failure, number nonexistent 30 days global intercept yes
510 sending failure, number out of service 1 hour global intercept yes
520 sending failure, number in blacklist 1 hour global intercept yes
530 sending failure, busy line 0 s yes
540 sending failure, no answer 0 s yes
550 sending failure, template content intercepted 1 hour global intercept yes
560 sending failure, mobile terminal error 1 hour global intercept yes
570 sending failure, mobile not in service 1 hour global intercept yes
580 sending failure, mobile powered off 0 s yes
590 sending failure, other reasons 0 s yes

global intercept: this intercept record applies to all SendCloud users

global intercept: this intercept record only applies to originated users

Users can remove numbers originated from themselves.To remove other numbers in the intercept list, you need to contact customer service.

API Verification Mechanism

Digital signature is used to effectively avoid password leakage during the SMS transmission. Digital signature is proved as a secure verification method.

When calling API, users transmit digital signature to the server and do not need to transmit password (SMS_KEY) as a parameter. The server will verify the digital signature.

Method of generating digital signature:

1. Alphabeticlly arrange the paramters;smsKey and signature are not included
2. Link all parameters by means of 'key=value' + '&' + 'key=value' to generate string param_str 
3. Generate string sign_str by means of SMS_KEY + '&' + param_str + '&' + SMS_KEY
4. Calculate MD5(32 characters,not case sensitive) or sha256 to get signature

1. Do not use `urlencode` when generating signature;`urlencode` is required when calling API
2. '&' is the connector in code; `+` is used for document display 

Code example (python) is as below:

import hashlib

SMS_USER = 'testuser'

param = {
    'smsUser': SMS_USER,
    'templateId' : 1,
    'phone'  : 18888888888,
    'vars'   : {},

param_keys = list(param.keys())

param_str = ''

for key in param_keys:
    param_str += key + '=' + str(param[key]) + '&'

param_str = param_str[:-1]

sign_str = SMS_KEY + '&' + param_str + '&' + SMS_KEY
signature = hashlib.sha256(sign_str).hexdigest()

Tip: all APIs support HTTP

Timestamp (To be classy)

Users can add timestamp to every API request. If difference between timestamp and sever time is more than 60 seconds, the request will be rejected.

Users obtain SendCloud sever timestamp via API, which is not the local time.

“timestamp” should be included in signature for digital signature creation.


SMSHook mechanism

When users submit SMS or voice request to SendCloud, 「request result」 will be simultaneously returned to users; SMS or voice 「sending result」 and 「results of other event」 will be asynchronously returned to users via SMSHook.

Supported events are as below:

Events Triggering Conditions
request (request) request was successful
deliver (deliver) delivered
process failure(workererror) processing failed
delivery failure(delivererror) delivering failed
click link(click) User clicks the link
reply(reply) reply (SMS only)
SMS uplink(sms_mo) Users actively submit SMS to the interface
Template approval(templateVerify) Approval result message of SMS template

Usage Method:

Note: SendCloud will test users’ URL to ensure the HTTP service responds to get | post request, and the returned HTTP status code is 200

Signature Verification

To ensure that the message is sent from SendCloud, you can choose to verify the source of the POST data. (You can also parse POST data without authentication).

Authentication method is as below:

Python code example

import hashlib, hmac
def verify(appkey, token, timestamp, signature):
    return signature ==
        msg='{}{}'.format(timestamp, token),

Java code example (dependent apache codec)

import javax.crypto.Mac;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;

import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex;

public boolean verify(String appkey, String token, long timestamp,
            String signature) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeyException {
    Mac sha256HMAC = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256");
    SecretKeySpec secretKey = new SecretKeySpec(appkey.getBytes(),"HmacSHA256");
    StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
    String signatureCal = new String(Hex.encodeHex(sha256HMAC.doFinal(buf
    return signatureCal.equals(signature);

php code example

function verify($appkey,$token,$timestamp,$signature){
                return strcmp($result,$signature)==0?1:0;

Event Description

SMSHook now supports request, deliver, process failure, send failure and reply.

Request ( request )

Parameter Description

parameter type description
event string event type: ”request”
eventType int event type code:1
message string SMS content
smsUser string smsUser
smsIds list SMS (Voice SMS) IDs
templateId int template ID
phones list phone numbers
timestamp long timestamp
token string random string of 50 characters
signature string signature string
userId int user ID
labelId int reserved, temporarily out of use
tag string User defined tag
msgCount int Number of SMS
msgType int "0"SMS, "1"MMS, "2"International SMS, "3"International Voice
smsType int "0"Verification Code, "1"Notice, "2"Marketing

POST data example


Deliver ( deliver )

Parameter Description

parameter type description
event string event type: ”deliver”
eventType int event type code:2
message string SMS content
smsUser string smsUser
smsId string SMS (Voice SMS) IDs
templateId int template ID
phone string phone numbers
timestamp long timestamp
token string random string of 50 characters
signature string signature string
userId int user ID
labelId int reserved, temporarily out of use
tag string User defined tag
msgCount int Number of SMS
msgType int "0"SMS, "1"MMS, "2"International SMS, "3"International Voice
smsType int "0"Verification Code, "1"Notice, "2"Marketing
outboundTime string Channel time
receiptTime string Receipt time

POST data example

"outboundTime":"2022-05-10 01:29:31",
"message":"Successfully delivered",
"receiptTime":"2022-05-10 01:29:50",

Process failure ( workererror)

Parameter Description

parameter type description
event string event type:"workererror"
eventType int event type code:4
message string SMS content
encodeMessage string SMS content of base64 encoding
statusCode int error code
smsUser string smsUser
smsId string SMS (Voice SMS) IDs
templateId int template ID
phone string phone numbers
timestamp long timestamp
token string random string of 50 characters
signature string signature string
userId int user ID
labelId int reserved, temporarily out of use
tag string User defined tag
msgCount int Number of SMS
msgType int "0"SMS, "1"MMS, "2"International SMS, "3"International Voice
smsType int "0"Verification Code, "1"Notice, "2"Marketing
outboundTime string Channel time

POST data example

"outboundTime":"2022-05-10 00:00:54",
"message":"smsworker:address in unsubscribe list(取消订阅)",

Send failure ( delivererror)

Parameter Description

parameter type description
event string event type:"delivererror"
eventType int event type code:5
message string SMS content
encodeMessage string SMS content of base64 encoding
statusCode int error code
smsUser string smsUser
smsId string SMS (Voice SMS) IDs
templateId int template ID
phone string phone numbers
timestamp long timestamp
token string random string of 50 characters
signature string signature string
userId int user ID
labelId int reserved, temporarily out of use
tag string User defined tag
msgCount int Number of SMS
msgType int "0"SMS, "1"MMS, "2"International SMS, "3"International Voice
smsType int "0"Verification Code, "1"Notice, "2"Marketing
outboundTime string Channel time
receiptTime string Receipt time

POST data example

"outboundTime":"2022-05-10 09:31:12",
"receiptTime":"2022-05-10 09:31:17",

Click url ( click)

Parameter Description

parameter type description
event string event type:"click"
eventType int event type code:9
clickUrl string User clicks the link
message string SMS content
smsUser string smsUser
smsId string SMS (Voice SMS) IDs
templateId int template ID
phone string phone numbers
timestamp long timestamp
token string random string of 50 characters
signature string signature string
userId int user ID
labelId int reserved, temporarily out of use
tag string User defined tag
msgType int "0"SMS, "1"MMS, "2"International SMS, "3"International Voice
smsType int "0"Verification Code, "1"Notice, "2"Marketing
ip string ip
deviceName tring device name
deviceType int device type
oSName string OS Name
oSVer string OS version
explorerName string explorer name
explorerVer string explorer version

POST data example

{ "clickUrl": "", "deviceType": "1", "msgType": "0", "signature": "ee7a01678cdc69a53074a0f5516c93541c7d0bd60758d5344ece26b8347002e8", "ip": "", "eventType": "10", "templateId": "868058", "message": "click sms", "userId": "15", "smsUser": "sms_ss", "deviceName": "Other", "token": "uTuoR0IzT1OSQqP1ykjG5QP1cQF9rdomhLkGkse3FbZwhE7UF7", "oSName": "Windows 7", "explorerName": "Chrome", "smsId": "1668413622360_15_9_868058_uny9w1$13437150000", "explorerVer": "86.0.4240", "labelId": "0", "tag": "0", "phone": "13437150000", "smsType": "1", "event": "click", "oSVer": "", "timestamp": "1668413648109" }

Reply (reply)

parameter type description
event string event type:"reply"
eventType int event type code:6
smsUser string smsUser
templateId int template ID
phone string phone numbers
timestamp long timestamp
token string random string of 50 characters
signature string signature string
userId int user ID
labelId int reserved, temporarily out of use
replyContent string reply content
encodeReplyContent string reply content of base64 encoding
replyTime Datetime reply time
tag string User defined tag
msgCount int Number of SMS
msgType int "0"SMS, "1"MMS, "2"International SMS, "3"International Voice
smsType int "0"Verification Code, "1"Notice, "2"Marketing

POST data example

"replyTime":"2022-05-10 08:49:14",

SMS uplink (sms_mo)

parameter type
event string event type:"reply"
eventType int event type code:7
smsUser string smsUser
templateId int template ID
phone string phone numbers
timestamp long timestamp
token string random string of 50 characters
signature string signature string
userId int user ID
labelId int reserved, temporarily out of use
replyContent string sms_mo reply content
encodeReplyContent string base64编码的回复内容
replyTime Datetime sms_mo reply time
tag string User defined tag
msgCount int Number of SMS
msgType int "0"SMS, "1"MMS, "2"International SMS, "3"International Voice
smsType int "0"Verification Code, "1"Notice, "2"Marketing

POST data example

"labelId": 0,
"replyTime":"2019-08-16 16:16:16",
"eventType": 7,

Template approval (templateVerify)

parameter type description
event string event type:"templateVerify"
eventType int event type code:8
templateId int template ID
name string 模板名称
timestamp long timestamp
token string random string of 50 characters
signature string signature string
userId int user ID
verfiyResult int 审核结果:0审核中,1通过,-1不通过
verfiyComment string 审核意见.审核不通过时有verfiyComment
msgType int "0"SMS, "1"MMS, "2"International SMS, "3"International Voice
smsType int "0"Verification Code, "1"Notice, "2"Marketing

POST data example
