Android SDK


This android-based SDK document is aimed to help android developers debug and integrate SendCloud API.

Click to download:Email_Message SDK

Email_Message SDK is a toolkit for Android developers to efficiently send messages and emails by SendCloud API.


1.Configuration. Before using SendCloud API, users need to configure application, add callable api_user, api_key, app_sign and aap_secret. Users can apply for api_user and api_key from SendCloud website. app_sign is the package name of calling initSDK method; app_secret is the password you set. When interface is called, SendCloud will validate api_user and app_secret, and check when the package name of called application matches app_sign, and whether api_key is valid. Note: If you have correctly configured api_key for the first time and called interface, resetting api_key will have no effect on the calling interface. interface. Add downloaded SDK to your program directory, introduce jar package as lib, and then call interface. For more details, refer to code examples in demo directory.

Code Example Directory

Code example path:../AndroidSDKDemo/app/src/main/java/net/sendcloud/sdkDemo

Filename Description interface initialization
Activity/ example of sending message verification code
Activity/ example of sending voice SMS
Activity/ sending message template
Activity/ example of sending regular mail
Activity/ example of sending email template