Advanced Features

Email tracking

Email tracking helps users to collect data of 「opens」,「clicks」,「unsubscribes」 for assessment.

Users can configure 「open tracking」,「click tracking」 and 「subscribe tracking」 of an 「API_USER」 in 【delivery settings】-【tracking】. Note: 「clicking tracking」 depends on CNAME configuration of mail domain.

Address List

Address list makes it easier for users to send marketing emails. After editing/importing address list, you don’t need to add email addresses but designate the 「alias address」 of the list when calling interface.

Users can configure 「variable value」 in address list to replace the 「variable」 in 「email content」.

Users can create [address list] in 【deliveries】-【address list】.


  1. To use address list, you are required to send emails via WEBAPI. SMTP is not support for address list.
  2. To use address list, you are required to use 「bulk」 API_USR interface.
  3. Only premium users are eligible for address list.

Label (label)

Label helps users to classify emails and is applicable to A/B testing.

Send emails in two styles with different labels attached, and you can know which one is more popular on the basis of opens/clicks through the labels.

Note: each email is allowed for one label.

Mail Routing

It’s exciting to receive a reply from your user. And SendCloud make it real.

With mail routing, users’ reply to an address will be send to your designated mailbox or URL for follow-up processing, and users’ email to this address will be forward to you.


Users can create mail routing though 【mail configuration】-【add mail routing】 in a domain configuration.

Subscription Relationship

Subscription relationship helps users to create and maintain the subscription relationships with customers, and build their own email subscription system.

SendCloud and ESP are actively creating subscription relationships with users, and offer strong supports to the email delivery to subscribers. (For example, QQ email list).

  1. Customers generate a 「subscription relationship」 in SendCloud pic

  2. Customers add JS code into his own website

  3. Users visit the website, enter email address and subscribe an event

  4. Users’ email address are added to the customers’「address list」.

  5. Users confirm the subscription after receiving the confirmation email.

  6. A subscription relationship between users and customer website is created.

This feature is on the basis of 「address list」. Customers need to bind this relationship to an 「address list」 when configuring subscription relationship.


When 「subscription tracking」is enabled, there will be an unsubscribe link in emails, through which recipients can unsubscribe emails.

Style of “unsubscribe” link is shown as below: pic

You can customize the style of “unsubscribe”, but %%user_defined_unsubscribe_link%% is required in href. Sample is as below:

You don’t need to process email specifically when default unsubscribe style is enabled; the content is as below:

<p style="margin-bottom: 35px">您好! 您本月在爱发信的消费金额为: %money% 元.</p>

Screenshot of email content is shown as below: pic

With customized unsubscribe enabled, email content is as below:

<p style="margin-bottom: 35px">您好! 您本月在爱发信的消费金额为: %money% 元.</p>
<p><a style="background: #1ABC9C;border:1px solid #13A386;padding:8px 20px;color: #fff;text-decoration:none;border-radius:4px" href="%%user_defined_unsubscribe_link%%">不想再收到此类邮件</a></p>

Screenshot of email content is shown as below: pic


When users submit delivery request to SendCloud, 「request result」 will be simultaneously returned to users; 「delivery result」 and 「results of other event」 will be asynchronously returned to users via WebHook.

WebHook mechanism:

Supported events are as below:

Events Triggering Conditions
request(request) email is successfully requested
delivered(deliver) email is successfully sent
open(open) user opens email
click(click) user clicks link
unsubscribe(unsubscribe) user unsubscribes email
spam-reporting(report_spam) user reports email as a spam
invalid email(invalid) email delivery failed
soft bounce(soft_bounce) email is rejected by recipient
forwarding(route) forward email/mail routing

Usage Method:

Note: SendCloud will test users’ URL to ensure the HTTP service responds get | post request, and the returned HTTP status code is 200

Signature Verification

To ensure that the message is sent from SendCloud, you can choose to verify the source of the POST data. (You can also analyze POST data without verification)

Verification method is as below:

python code example

import hashlib, hmac
def verify(appkey, token, timestamp, signature):
    return signature ==
        msg='{}{}'.format(timestamp, token),

Java code example (dependent apache codec)

import javax.crypto.Mac;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;

import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex;

public boolean verify(String appkey, String token, long timestamp,
            String signature) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeyException {
    Mac sha256HMAC = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256");
    SecretKeySpec secretKey = new SecretKeySpec(appkey.getBytes(),"HmacSHA256");
    StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
    String signatureCal = new String(Hex.encodeHex(sha256HMAC.doFinal(buf
    return signatureCal.equals(signature);

php code example

function verify($appkey,$token,$timestamp,$signature){
    return strcmp($result,$signature)==0?1:0;

Event Description

Event types supported by WebHook include request, delivery, open, click, unsubscribe, spam reporting and invalid email.

Request (request)

Parameter description

parameter type description
event string event type: “request”
message string message content
maillistTaskId long task ID will be generated when you send emails with address list
mail_list_task_id long task ID will be generated when you send emails with address list
messageId string messageId
apiUser string API_USER
category string message ID
recipientArray list recipients
emailIds list emailId array
labelId int custom label ID
labelName string custom label name
recipientSize int count of requests
timestamp long timestamp
token string random string of 50 characters
signature string signature string
userHeaders string custom header with start of “SC-Custom”
Delivery (deliver)

Parameter description

parameter type description
event string event type: “deliver”
message string message content
apiUser string API_USER
category string API_USER
maillistTaskId long task ID will be generated when you send emails with address list
mail_list_task_id long task ID will be generated when you send emails with address list
emailId string unique ID of each email
recipient string recipients
labelId int custom label ID
labelName string custom label name
timestamp long timestamp
token string random string of 50 characters
signature string signature string
userHeaders string custom header with start of “SC-Custom”
Open (open)

Parameter description

parameter type description
event string event type: ”open”
message string message content
apiUser string API_USER
category string API_USER
maillistTaskId long task ID will be generated when you send emails with address list
mail_list_task_id long task ID will be generated when you send emails with address list
emailId string unique ID of each email
recipient string recipients
labelId int custom label ID
labelName string custom label name
ip string opened IP address
explorerName string browser name
explorerVer string browser version
oSName string OS name
oSVer string OS version
timestamp long timestamp
token string random string of 50 characters
signature string signature string
userHeaders string custom header with start of “SC-Custom”
Click (click)

Parameter description

parameter type description
event string event type: “type”
message string message content
apiUser string API_USER
category string API_USER
maillistTaskId long task ID will be generated when you send emails with address list
mail_list_task_id long task ID will be generated when you send emails with address list
emailId string unique ID of each email
recipient string recipients
labelId int custom label ID
labelName string custom label name
url string clicked links
ip string clicked IP addresses
explorerName string browser name
explorerVer string browser version
oSName string OS name
oSVer string OS version
timestamp long timestamp
token string random string of 50 characters
signature string signature string
userHeaders string custom header with start of “SC-Custom”
Unsubscribe (unsubscribe)

Parameter description

parameter type description
event string event type: ”unsubscribe”
message string message content
apiUser string API_USER
category string API_USER
labelId int custom label ID
labelName string custom label name
maillistTaskId long task ID will be generated when you send emails with address list
mail_list_task_id long task ID will be generated when you send emails with address list
emailId string unique ID of each email
recipient string recipients
ip string IP address
explorerName string explorer name
explorerVer string explorer version
oSName string OS name
oSVer string OS version
timestamp long timestamp
token string random string of 50 characters
signature string signature string
userHeaders string custom header with start of “SC-Custom”
Spam Reporting (report_spam)

Parameter description

parameter type description
event string event type: ” report_spam”
message string message content
apiUser string API_USER
category string API_USER
labelId int custom label ID
labelName string custom label name
emailId string unique ID of each email
recipient string recipients
timestamp long timestamp
token string random string of 50 characters
signature string signature string
userHeaders string custom header with start of “SC-Custom”
Invalid Email (invalid)

Parameter description

parameter type description
event string event type: ”invalid”
message string message content
apiUser string API_USER
category string API_USER
labelId int custom label ID
labelName string custom label name
maillistTaskId long task ID will be generated when you send emails with address list
mail_list_task_id long task ID will be generated when you send emails with address list
emailId string unique ID of each email
recipient string recipients
timestamp long timestamp
token string random string of 50 characters
signature string signature string
userHeaders string custom header with start of “SC-Custom”
Soft Bounce (soft_bounce)

Parameter description

parameter type description
event string event type: ” soft_bounce”
apiUser string API_USER
category string API_USER
labelId int custom label ID
labelName string custom label name
maillistTaskId long task ID will be generated when you send emails with address list
mail_list_task_id long task ID will be generated when you send emails with address list
emailId string unique ID of each email
recipient string recipients
timestamp long timestamp
token string random string of 50 characters
signature string signature string
userHeaders string custom header with start of “SC-Custom”
Mail Routing (route)

Parameter description

parameter type description
event string event type: ” soft_bounce”
from string sender email address
x_mx_mailfrom string envelope sender
fromname string sender name
headers string email headers, formatted with JSON
html string content in html format of routing email
message string message content “mx route”
raw_message_url string route file download. eg:https:xxx.eml,The link is valid for 15 days.Java parsing EML file example
raw_message string
signature string signature string
subject string subject
text string content in text format of routing email
timestamp long timestamp
to string recipients address
x_mx_rcptto string Actual recipient address
token string random string of 50 characters
toname string recipient name
reference string If there is a value, the format is: 'message ID' + '@'+ 'sending domain name'
emailId string unique ID of each email

Experience Now

If you don’t have url to receive data,try services of or request 纷云版 to experience WebHook.

  1. Click Create a RequestBin to generate an url
  2. Configure the URL in SendCloud to receive event data from WebHook
  3. After an operation (request, deliver, open), you can see all POST data of the event in