
API Request Format<module>/<action>

Module: name of function module, e.g. mail module, addresslist module.

Action: action of each module, e.g. send, add.

API Return Code

API is returned in the format of JSON.Sample is as below:

# 请求成功
  "result": true,
  "statusCode": 200,
  "message": "请求成功",
  "info": {}
# 认证失败
  "result": false,
  "statusCode": 40005,
  "message": "认证失败",
  "info": {}
# 数据获取成功
  "statusCode": 200,
  "info": {
    "data": {
      "gmtCreated": "2015-10-19 15:39:27",
      "gmtUpdated": "2015-10-19 15:39:27",
      "labelId": ***,
      "labelName": "test"
  "message": "请求成功",
  "result": true

API return codes are as follows:

API Return Code Meaning
200 request was successful
40000 duplicate request
40001 start cannot be empty
40002 invalid start
40003 limit cannot be empty
40004 invalid limit
40005 authentication failed
40006 nvalid days format, it must be an integer greater than zero
40007 invalid startDate format (e.g. “2013-03-19”)
40008 invalid endDate format (e.g. “2013-03-19”)
40009 labelIdList cannot be empty
40010 apiUserList cannot be empty
40011 email cannot be empty
40012 invalid email format
40013 domainList cannot be empty
40014 label ID cannot be empty
40015 invalid label ID format
40016 invalid apiUserList format
40017 invalid format of aggregation parameters
40100 label was successfully created
40101 failed to create label
40102 label ID cannot be empty
40103 invalid label ID
40104 label name cannot be empty
40105 label name should be 1-255 characters
40106 the label corresponding to label ID does not exist
40107 label was successfully deleted
40108 failed to delete label
40109 label was successfully updated
40110 failed to update label
40111 query cannot be empty
40112 query should be 1-255 characters
40113 label name already exists
40201 invokeName cannot be empty
40202 invalid invokeName format
40203 template type cannot be empty
40204 invalid template type, it can only be 0 or 1
40205 templateStat cannot be empty
40206 invalid templateStat, it can only be one of -1, -2, 1, 0
40207 name cannot be empty
40208 invalid name format
40209 subject cannot be empty
40210 invalid subject format
40211 html cannot be empty
40212 invalid html format
40213 text cannot be empty
40214 invalid text format
40215 failed to create template
40216 the template corresponding to invokeName does not exist
40217 failed to delete template
40218 failed to update template
40219 user can have no more than 50 templates
40220 invokeName already exists
40221 isSubmitAudit cannot be empty
40222 invalid isSubmitAudit format
40223 template is pending approval and cannot be modified
40224 cancel cannot be empty
40225 invalid cancel format
40226 template is pending approval, do not submit again
40227 template has been approved, do not submit again
40228 template not approved, do not withdraw the approval request
40229 template not submitted for approval, unable to withdraw approval request
40301 user does not exist
40401 unsubscribe record was successfully created
40402 failed to create unsubscribe record
40403 unsubscribe record was successfully deleted
40404 failed to delete unsubscribe record
40501 name cannot be empty
40502 address list name should be 1-48 characters
40503 address cannot be empty
40504 address list alias should be 1-48 characters
40505 address list alias already exists
40506 desc cannot be empty
40507 address list description should be 1-250 characters
40508 failed to create address list
40509 newAddress cannot be empty
40510 new address list alias should be 1-48 characters
40511 invalid address parameters
40512 members cannot be empty
40513 member address should be 1-48 characters
40514 number of member address should be more than 0
40515 number of member address should be no more than 1000
40516 failed to add member
40517 address list does not belong to the user
40518 member address does not conform to the specification
40519 failed to delete member
40520 vars cannot be empty
40521 variables in vars parameter are not equal to member addresses
40522 vars parameter does not adhere to JSON string syntax
40531 The maximum length of a single member variable is 1024 characters
40601 bounce record was successfully deleted
40602 failed to delete bounce record
40701 group ID cannot be empty
40702 invalid format of group ID
40703 event type cannot be empty
40704 invalid event type format, no event type available
40705 url cannot be empty
40706 invalid url format
40707 url test failed
40708 url already exists
40709 webhook configuration not found
40710 failed to create webhook configuration
40711 failed to delete webhook configuration
40712 failed to modify webhook configuration
40801 fromAddress cannot be empty
40802 invalid fromAddress format
40803 fromName cannot be empty
40804 invalid fromName format
40805 recipient address cannot be empty
40806 illegal addresses in the recipient address list
40807 recipient addresses should be no more than 100
40808 subject cannot be empty
40809 invalid subject format
40810 replyto cannot be empty
40811 invalid replyto format
40812 xsmtpapi cannot be empty
40813 invalid xsmtpapi format
40814 xsmtpapi parse cannot be empty
40815 xsmtpapi must contain field “to”
40816 parse of field “to” cannot be empty
40817 xsmtpapi parsing error
40818 attachments cannot be empty
40819 attachment should be no larger than 10485760 bytes
40820 no permission to use address list
40821 address list was successfully created
40822 failed to create address list
40823 mail template does not exist
40824 template not approved
40825 mail template does not match API-USER type
40826 template parameter and subject cannot be empty both
40827 array “to” should be no longer than 100
40828 reply address cannot be empty
40829 invalid reply address format
40830 plain cannot be empty
40831 invalid plain format
40832 startTime cannot be empty
40833 invalid startTime format
40834 endTime cannot be empty
40835 invalid endTime format
40836 title cannot be empty
40837 invalid title format
40838 organizer cannot be empty
40839 invalid organizer format
40840 organizer email address cannot be empty
40841 invalid format of organizer email address
40842 location cannot be empty
40843 invalid location format
40844 description cannot be empty
40845 invalid description format
40846 participant cannot be empty
40847 invalid participant format
40848 participant email address cannot be empty
40849 invalid format of participatant email address
40850 the number of participants is not equal to the number of email addresses
40851 failed to assemble emails
40852 cc address cannot be empty
40853 invalid cc address format
40854 cc addresses should be no more than 100
40855 bcc address cannot be empty
40856 invalid bcc address format
40857 bcc addresses should be no more than 100
40858 respEmailId cannot be empty
40859 invalid respEmailId format
40860 gzipCompress cannot be empty
40861 invalid gzipCompress format
40862 address lists with format error in “to”
40863 nonexistent address lists in “to”
40864 address lists should be no more than 5
40865 failed to extract html files
40866 failed to extract plain files
40867 Abnormal attachment processing
40868 headers cannot be empty
40869 nvalid headers format
40870 html and plain cannot be empty both
40871 html format error
40872 address list cannot be empty
40873 useAddressList cannot be empty
40874 invalid useAddressList format
40875 the length of embedded picture ID is not equal to the length of the attachment
40876 invalid format of isCancel parameter
40877 abstract cannot be empty
40878 abstract cannot be longer than 255 bytes
40879 replyto cannot be more than 3
40880 invalid email format in field “to” of xsmtpapi
40901 email sending failed
40902 unknown error when processing email
40903 email sent successfully
40904 quota check failed
40905 quota check passed
40906 quota check temporarily passed
40907 no need to match template for corresponding content of the API-USER
40908 email content does not match template
40909 email content matches template
40910 email content temporarily matches template
40911 error occurred when matching email content and template
41001 name cannot be empty
41002 name should be 1-250 characters
41003 name does not conform to domain specification
41004 newName cannot be empty
41005 newName should be 1-250 characters
41006 newName does not conform to domain specification
41007 type cannot be empty
41008 type does not conform to specification
41009 verify cannot be empty
41010 verify does not conform to specification
41011 verify parsing error
41012 user can create no more than 5 domains
41013 name parameter error, multiple domains
41014 domain does not exist
41015 failed to create domain
41016 failed to modify domain
41101 emailType cannot be empty
41102 emailType does not conform to specification
41103 cType cannot be empty
41104 cType does not conform to specification
41105 domainName cannot be empty
41106 domainName does not conform to specification
41107 dimianName should be 1-250 characters
41108 domain of domainName does not exist
41109 user information does not exist
41110 name cannot be empty
41111 name does not conform to specification (name should be 6-32 characters; only numbers and letters can be included)
41112 apiUser should be no more than 10
41113 open cannot be empty
41114 open does not conform to specification
41115 click cannot be empty
41116 click does not conform to specification
41117 unsubscribe cannot be empty
41118 unsubscribe does not conform to specification
41119 failed to create apiUser
49901 invalid url format
49902 abnormal http request
49903 http request failed
49904 http request was successful
49905 http result parsing error
49906 other errors
501 Abnormal sever
50001 536 Frequency limited
6001 no permission to access