
When a user chooses to unsubscribe, his email address will be added to this list

The email addresses in this list will be blocked by the system, and the failures will be classified as 无效邮件-取消订阅(worker:address in unsubscribe list).

You can query, delete and add address in the list.




HTTP Request Method

post    get

Parameter Description

parameter type required or not description
apiUser string yes API_USER
apiKey string yes API_KEY
days int * stats in the past days (days=1 means today)
startDate string * format of start date is yyyy-MM-dd
endDate string * format of end date is yyyy-MM-dd
email string * learn more about the address in the list
apiUserList string no obtain stats of specified API_USER; multiple API_USERs are separated by semicolons, e.g.apiUserList=a;b;c
labelIdList string no obtain stats with specified labels; multiple labels are separated by semicolons, e.g. labelIdList=a;b;c
labelNameList string no obtain stats of specified label name; multiple labels are separated by semicolons(the Chinese character is encoded in UTF-8), for example,labelNameList=a;b;c
start int no start position, [0-], defaults to 0
limit int no amount, [0-100],defaults to 100


1.With designated time frame, you are to search within the period of time. Note:start_date and end_date or days is required. 2. Time frame cannot be longer than 3 months. 3. With given email address, you are to search the details of this email address. Note: time frame is invalid now.

Request Example


Returned value description

parameter description
email email address
domain domain corresponding to the email address
labelId label ID
labelId label Name
apiUser apiUser name
unsubscribeTime time to unsubscribe
unsubscribeType Unsubscribe classification
unsubscribeTypeDesc Unsubscribe classification description
expireTime When the sendcloud blacklist expires

Returned Value Example

    "result": true,
    "statusCode": 200,
    "message": "请求成功",
    "info": {
        "dataList": [
                "email": "cxybfq@163.com",
                "unsubscribeTime": "2021-07-15 17:55:20",
                "expireTime": "2021-07-15 17:55:20",
                "domain": "163.com",
                "labelId": 0,
                "labelId": "",
                "apiUser": "delong_test",
                "unsubscribeType": 0,
                "unsubscribeTypeDesc": "我不想再收到此类邮件"
        "count": 1




HTTP Request Method

POST    get 

Returned value Description

parameter type required or not description
apiUser string yes API_USER
apiKey string yes API_KEY
email string yes email addresses to add
expireTime string yes Expiration time of unsubscribe interception, format is yyyy MM DD

Request Example


Returned value description

parameter description
email email address
domain domain corresponding to the email address
labelId label ID
apiUser API_USER
unsubscribeTime time to unsubscribe
expireTime Expiration time of unsubscribe interception, format is yyyy MM DD

Returned Value Example

    "result": true,
    "statusCode": 40401,
    "message": "取消订阅记录创建成功",
    "info": {
        "data": {
            "email": "cxybfq@163.com",
            "unsubscribeTime": "2021-07-19 17:51:10",
            "expireTime": "2021-07-01 00:00:00",
            "domain": "163.com",
            "labelId": 0,
            "apiUser": "xiaojinmin",
            "unsubscribeType": 0,
            "unsubscribeTypeDesc": "我不想再收到此类邮件"




HTTP Request Method

post    get 

Parameter Description

parameter type required or not description
apiUser string yes API_USER
apiKey string yes API_KEY
days int * stats in the past days (days=1 means today)
startDate string * format of start date is yyyy-MM-dd
endDate string * format of end date is yyyy-MM-dd
email string * delete the email address


  1. With specified time frame, you are to delete all unsubscribed addresses within the period of time. Note: start_date and end_date, or days is required.
  2. Time frame cannot be longer than 3 months.
  3. With given email address, you are to delete the email address from the list. Note: time frame is invalid now.

Request Example

https://api.sendcloud.net/apiv2/unsubscribe/delete?apiUser=***&apiKey=*** &email=test@sendcloud.com 

Returned Value Description

parameter description
count count of deleted addresses

Returned Value Example
