Send Unintercept

Sendcloud will intercept email addresses in spam reporting, custom interception (email address or domain name), return address and unsubscribe. If the customer does not want to intercept an address or receiving domain, he can join it without interception.

You can query, delete and add address in the list.



HTTP Request Method

post    get

Parameter Description

parameter type required or not description
apiUser string yes API_USER
apiKey string yes API_KEY
apiUserName string no Block free associated apiuser
domainName string no Receive domain name without interception
email string no No blocking email address
start int no start position, [0-], defaults to 0
limit int no amount, [0-100],defaults to 100


  1. apiUserName can be null (indicating all), and the value can be all and a specific apiUser

Request Example***&apiKey=***&apiUserName=***&domainName=***&email=***&start=0&limit=2

Returned Value Example

parameter description
apiUserName Block free associated apiuser
email email address
domain Receive domain name without interception
createTime created time

Returned Value Example

    "result": true,
    "statusCode": 200,
    "message": "请求成功",
    "info": {
        "dataList": [
                "email": "",
                "unsubscribeTime": "2021-07-15 17:55:20",
                "expireTime": "2021-07-15 17:55:20",
                "domain": "",
                "labelId": 0,
                "apiUser": "delong_test",
                "unsubscribeType": 0,
                "unsubscribeTypeDesc": "我不想再收到此类邮件"
        "count": 1



HTTP Request Method

POST    get 

Returned value Description

parameter type required or not description
apiUser string yes API_USER
apiKey string yes API_KEY
apiUserName string no Block free associated apiuser
domainName string * Receive domain name without interception
email string * No blocking email address


  1. If apiUserName is empty, it defaults to apiUser of all type, indicating all valid apiUsers.
  2. DomainName and email cannot be empty at the same time.
  3. The judgment condition is apiUserName, domainName or apiUserName and email. If there is duplicate data, it will not be added repeatedly.
  4. If domainName and email are filled in at the same time, they will be automatically split into two records (apiUserName and domainName, apiUserName and email)

Request Example***&apiKey=***&apiUserName=***&domainName=***&email=***&start=0&limit=10

Returned value Description

parameter description
apiUserName Block free associated apiuser
email email address
domain Receive domain name without interception
createTime created time

Returned Value Example

    "result": true,
    "statusCode": 200,
    "message": "请求成功",
    "info": {
        "dataList": [
                "apiUserName": "all",
                "domain": "",
                "email": "",
                "createTime": "2021-07-19 11:30:00"
                "apiUserName": "all",
                "domain": "",
                "email": "",
                "createTime": "2021-07-19 11:25:29"



HTTP Request Method

post    get 

Parameter Description

parameter type required or not description
apiUser string yes API_USER
apiKey string yes API_KEY
apiUserName string no Block free associated apiuser
domainName string * Receive domain name without interception
email string * No blocking email address


  1. If apiUserName is empty, it defaults to apiUser of all type, indicating all valid apiUsers.
  2. DomainName and email cannot be empty at the same time.
  3. If both domainName and email are filled in, the records of apiUserName and domainName, apiUserName and email will be deleted respectively.

Request Example***&apiKey=***&apiUserName=***&domainName=***&email=***&start=0&limit=10

Returned Value Description

parameter description
count count of deleted addresses

Returned Value Example

    "result": true,
    "statusCode": 200,
    "message": "请求成功",
    "info": {
        "count": 1