Lists of Opens And Clicks

When the recipient opens or clicks your email, his address will be added to the list of opens and clicks, in which you can search the address you want.



HTTP Request Method

post    get

Parameter Description

parameter type required or not description
apiUser string yes API_USER
apiKey string yes API_KEY
days int * stats in the past [days] days (days=1 equals to today)
startDate string * format of start date is yyyy-MM-dd
endDate string * format of end date is yyyy-MM-dd
email string * learn more about the address in the list
trackType string no 1 means opens,2 means clicks,no parameter included means to search both
apiUserList string no obtain stats of specified API_USER; multiple API_USERs are separated by semicolons, e.g. apiUserList=a; b; c
labelId string no obtain stats of labelId
labelName string no obtain stats of labelName
start int no start position, [0-], defaults to 0
limit int no amount, [0-100],defaults to 100
timeType string Time type: 0 request time, 1 trigger time, default 0


  1. With designated time span, your search of opens and clicks should be within the period. Note: start_date and end_date, or [days] is required.
  2. Time span cannot be longer than 3 months.
  3. If you specify email and do not specify a time interval, the default is to query the data of the last three months. If you need to query according to the time interval, you can bring the days parameter or StartDate and enddate
  4. If apiuserlist is not specified, all records will be queried by default

Request Example:***&apiKey=***&days=100&start=0&limit=3 

Returned Value Description

parameter description
email email address
trackType opens or clicks
url clicked url
apiUser apiUser name
requestTime mail request time
currTime time of opens or clicks
emailId Sendcloud delivers a message, and the returned message number can correspond to a recipient of a request
ip Click or open IP
country IP country
city ip city
browser Browser name used
device Mobile device name used,eg: Mobile phone model

Returned Value Example:

    "result": true,
    "statusCode": 200,
    "message": "请求成功",
    "info": {
        "total": 1,
        "dataList": [
                "trackType": 1,
                "apiUser": "sendcloud_ops",
                "email": "",
                "url": "",
                "currTime": "2021-06-09 09:49:30",
                "emailId": "$",
                "requestTime": "2021-06-09 09:01:13",
                "ip": "",
                "country": "United States",
                "province": "Texas",
                "city": "Southlake",
                "browser": "谷歌",
                "device": ""
        "count": 1