Delivery Response


List of email status.

You can check status of your emails in this list.


HTTP Request Method

post    get

Parameter Description

parameter type required or not description
apiUser string yes API_USER
apiKey string yes API_KEY
email string no recipient address
emailIds string no emailId will be returned after an email was sent with api successfully; addresses are separated by semicolons, e.g. emailIds=a;b;c
labelId string no label ID corresponding to the created label
labelName string no label Name corresponding to the created label
days string * stats in the past [days] days ( [days] =1 means today); cannot be more than 30 days
startDate string * format of start date is yyyy-MM-dd,interval between start and end date cannot be more than 30 days
endDate string * format of end date is yyyy-MM-dd,interval between start and end date cannot be more than 30 days
apiUserList string multiple apiUsers, separated by semicolons, e.g. apiUserList=a;b;c
start string no start position, [0-], defaults to 0
limit int no amount, [0-100],defaults to 100
status string no Send response status,Status value(1, 4, 5, 18) . e.g: status=1,status=4
subStatus string no Invalid mail or soft bounce subclass, multiple invalid subclasses use ';' Separation, such as substatus = a; b; c


  1. With designated time span, your search should be within the period. Note: start_date and end_date, or [days] is required.
  2. Time span cannot be longer than 3 months.
  3. 100 records is defaulted for each search. You need to specify limit and start if the records exceeds 100.
  4. Each query record will be cached for 10 minutes.
  5. This interface limits each user account to call the interface 3000 times per minute. If it exceeds this frequency, the interface will return {"result": false, "statuscode": 50000, "message": "interface frequency is limited", "info": {}}
  6. Status parameter values: 1, 4, 5 and 18 (corresponding to the status of delivery, invalid, soft return and being requested respectively)
  7. When labelId and labelName are provided at the same time, the labelId is preferred for accurate query; Fuzzy query with labelName when only labelName is provided
subStatus subStatusDesc
401 无效邮件-SendCloud黑名单中
402 无效邮件-取消订阅
403 无效邮件-服务器不可达
404 无效邮件-地址格式错误
405 无效邮件-IP、域名被拒
406 无效邮件-地址不存在
407 无效邮件-垃圾邮件
408 无效邮件-发件人/收件人被拒
409 无效邮件-其他
503 软退信-服务不可达
505 软退信-IP、域名被拒
506 软退信-邮箱地址不存在
507 软退信-反垃圾邮件被拒
508 软退信-发件人/收件人被拒
509 软退信-其他

Request Example:***&apiKey=***&days=2&emailIds=***;***

Returned Value Description

parameter description
emailId emailId will be returned after an email was sent with api successfully
status email status
subStatus 401-509 invalid status code
subStatDesc Invalid or soft bounce subclass description
apiUser apiUser name
recipients recipient address
requestTime request time
modifiedTime status-update time
sendLog sending logs


  1. The corresponding substatus of invalid messages is' 4xx '. Substatusdesc is subdivided into 9 sub categories:invalid email-Sendcloud blacklistinvalid email-Unsubscribeinvalid email-Server unreachableinvalid email-Address format errorinvalid email-IP or domain name rejectedinvalid email-Address does not existinvalid email-Spam emailinvalid email-Sender or recipient rejectedinvalid email-Other. 2.The corresponding substatus of soft bounce is' 5xx '. Substatusdesc is also divided into six sub categories of soft bounce:soft bounce-Server unreachablesoft bounce-IP or domain name rejectedsoft bounce-Address does not existsoft bounce-Anti spam rejectedsoft bounce-Sender or recipient rejectedsoft bounce-Other.

Return value example:

    "result" : true,
    "statusCode" : 200,
    "message" : "请求成功",
    "info" : {
        "total" : "2",
        "voListSize" : 2,
        "voList" : [{
                "emailId" : "**_**_**_**_**_**_**-**$***",
                "status" : "送达",
                "subStatus" : null,
                "subStatusDesc" : null,
                "apiUser" : "***",
                "recipients" : "",
                "requestTime" : "2016-10-18 09:31:59",
                "modifiedTime" : "2016-10-18 09:32:08",
                "sendLog" : "successfully delivered"
            }, {
                "emailId" : "**_**_**_**_**_**_**-**$***",
                "status" : "无效邮件",
                "subStatus" : "406",
                "subStatDesc" : "地址不存在",
                "apiUser" : "***",
                "recipients" : "",
                "requestTime" : "2016-10-18 09:34:18",
                "modifiedTime" : "2016-10-18 09:34:29",
                "sendLog" : "unrouteable address"